The short answer is "Yes, there are a number of alternatives for Ajax to build rich Internet applications (RIAs).", Flash, Flex, Java, SVG, and Ruby on Rails, and a few other players.
Now for the details that make the slightly longer answer.
Flash and Flex fellows
Adobe Flash, originally created by Macromedia, has quickly become one of the key instruments of the RIA. Originally installed as a plug-in, the player application starts that come with Windows XP, some ten years ago now. Flash delivers some of the best RIA experiences, as well as multimedia.
On the downside is a learning curve with Flash. There is also the problem of security nagging, potentially problematic. Flash Player writes the files on your computer quite secretive manner and there is no way to change settings without using the "ISM", located on the Adobe Web site.Finally Flash takes over your camera and microphone.
Flash allows a totally different point of view of building rich clients, but Adobe don't put all your eggs in that basket.The company also presented a set of tools known as Flex that integrates data through their development tools. Worrying about "XMLHttpRequest", Flex provides easy integration with REST, SOAP or HTTP services. classic Flash is more straight up, an alternative to Ajax, although some Flex will be characterized as something like "Ajax Toolkit.
Java still Smokin'
Sun Microsystems Java is an alternative to Ajax, which has been around the block a few times and "applets" is among the first rich client tools browser Java applets allow developers to use honest to goodness, object oriented programming language, whereas Java code running in a virtual machine for Java virtual machine with a sandbox for the memory. Of the JVM, Java code works on all platforms, lives up to its slogan "write once, run anywhere".
Applets are only memory reserved for the Sandbox, which is a security feature; however, there are some issues with Java, the first of which is that it requires a plug-in that must be manually installed on some browsers.Must be running a virtual machine for Java applets for the Java virtual machine, and can be slow to load at times.Applet must be loaded, if not cached, which takes more time, and this may be a serious problem, because Web users typically expect even bigger, faster, better performance.
Mobile reduction?
SVG stands for scalable vector graphics, W3C language that uses XML to define 2D graphics and graphical applications. The current version is 1.1, supported in Opera browser (8 +). Some browsers based on Gecko, such as Firefox offer limited support, and although Konquerer, Internet Explorer, and Safari browsers have plugins for SVG, Microsoft IE no commitment thereto. others are doing.
(PocketPC) PDAs and cell phones, respectively, SVG Basic, and Lite version.The fact that SVG is likely to see some of the category of mobile devices before he earns overwhelming support among browsers. lack of commitment from Internet Explorer seems to limit the adoption of SVG.
Ruby, wouldn't you be mine?
Ruby on Rails is a bit more youth technology free object oriented language that received a lot of press over the past few years.This "full stack frame" for designing database Web applications using a model view controller (MVC).
Ruby stresses development simplicity, reinforced with two slogans, not far from the famous and often repeated the first-"don't repeat yourself", or dry-designed to eliminate wasteful duplication of data or code. "Convention on configuration "allows users to eschew the configuration, if you have an" unconventional "situation.
AJAX support is innate, accessible and easy to use in Ruby.You get instant functionality, right out of the box.Of course there are disadvantages, especially if your company is ingrained system, stable development environment, and a ton of old code might not be practical to switch to the Ruby-and it's still a young man, after all.
Other candidates
XUL (XML user interface language, pronounced "zool") was developed by Mozilla to create rich interactive applications that run even when they are disconnected from the Internet As it provides a common set of features, a customizable user interface and uses JavaScript and XML DTDS, it should be fairly straightforward for developers working with DHTML to learn it one of the major drawback is that the demand for browser-enabled XUL and Mozilla-based means of them now.
XAML ("zammel") is an Extensible Application Markup Language, and in combination with Windows Presentation Foundation is at the core of the development strategy of Microsoft applications, Microsoft strives to XAML. and WPF to replace HTML, Flash and PDF, difficult task indeed. XAML will deliver 2D and 3D images, audio, video, animation, and so on and is supposed to erase the line between desktop applications and Web technology he certainly will use MS widely, but cannot do a lot of waves in environments other than Windows.
The bottom line
If you were hoping to add AJAX functionality to an existing site, this is a good place to start, but if you are planning to build a new website and want to use Ajax from the gate, take another look at Ruby on Rails. Nevertheless, your final decision on tools to use will depend solely on what you're doing what you're doing this with, and how ready you should add one more tool to set if Ajax is a tool you should use it if works, use it if you are not sure that it is best to use both as long as you learn.
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