August 19, 2010

Call Windows 7 coming in October!

This is not the official announcement, but evidence, including a comment from Microsoft exec, indicates that Windows 7 phone will be launched in October. This week we will also learn more about this upcoming software, as well as another video demo on the device prototype. And we'll cover the exciting news that Microsoft would launch a new mobile OPERATING SYSTEM for businesses that are based on Windows Mobile 6.

On the evidence and October start phone Windows 7

In view of the iPhone and Android devices and growing market, all wondering whether Microsoft will again be a player in the mobile sector. Which of course, more interested in when Windows 7 phone will be displayed.

Microsoft has said that it will be available in late 2010 during the holiday season. Devotees kept hoping for an earlier version so eagerly look for any tips, the latest hints strongly point until October.

According to Engadget, Microsoft marketing Vice-President mentioned in passing at a Conference in October will be Windows 7 phone and according to another post on Engadget leaked roadmap from the carrier in Australia also said in October.

Another sign is that Microsoft developers who know what they'll get prototype device only for their apps so far they have been using emulators for their software.Read more about the Windows phone thoughts.

Windows 7 Demo video phone

Yet another demo video appeared, this one written by PC Magazine and showing Windows 7 phone works on a prototype device from Samsung. most likely we'll see more like Microsoft sends several prototype devices for developers.

And on the Web site with screenshots, Ozymandias article walks you through the use of Xbox Live on Windows 7 phone specifically how it works.Subsequent articles will walk you through the gaming experience.

Phone Windows 7 — good news/bad news

Jason Dunn Windows phone thoughts recently described his blog readers of an enthusiast of iPhone, which goes into detail on what it finds attractive handset. about Windows 7, entitled "why you'll want Windows Mobile 7," post covers possible rapprochement (seamless email integration, social media, etc.), design, display, and more, he is very excited about this phone and thinks he will compare favorably to other, even iPhone.

Yet another article goes into details about Windows 7, the phone will not, for example, there is no support for voice over Internet and not just to get applications through Microsoft partners.

Microsoft delivers new enterprise version of Windows Mobile 6 5

From what we saw Windows 7 phone, it's far more consumer-oriented (La iPhone) than with Windows Mobile; so the question was how Microsoft will meet the needs of its customers?

PC Magazine has an article reporting that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that Microsoft will release new mobile OS for business this year, based on Windows Mobile 6.5. presumably this will be temporary until the second half of 2011 is available a version of Windows 7 enterprise phone.

If you have some hot news, Windows Mobile, or resources that I can point my readers write to me at Jim [at] smartphonemag [dot] com. See archives of my columns on my blog.

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Palm pre users suffering from reduces support


In the last financial slide, Palm and its purchase approved Hewlett Packard many pioneers of pre-and Pixi feeling allergic, one of its products with what appears to be diminishing support.

Four days ago at Palm support website for software updates seem to usually does not exclude the updates are ready to load to the masses Pre users. unfortunately never came.

After looking at a site update Palm today, I saw and read the ChangeLog version 1.4.5, which is a minor update from Sprint to within a few minutes after you update the data page has disappeared and only the displayed data TO NULL for several minutes per page support page only displays the current version, was displayed.

Suddenly it seems difficult, but specifies the wrong name Palm with posting updates too early or may indicate that the update can never be available.

Most users had hoped promised version of Adobe Flash support, but wrote a journal 1.4.5 says nothing about this or other hopes that patches and updates.

The uncertain future of WebOS many probably wondering whether or not to go ahead and install another smartphone from another source, to date, HP made public statements, arguing that they had no intention to compete in the mobile phone and going to WebOS device interfaces, such as printers I hope it was only a diversionary tactic and WebOS will be supported mobile OS years to come.

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New version of Resco Keyboard Pro available

Resco has recently updated their soft keyboard for WinMo ... «Version 6 p.m. introduces a number of minor and major improvements. In addition to the changes in most existing keyboards we've created a new layout navigation with a lot of useful tools such as keys and copy, cut, paste, and select all button. We have also introduced secondary character layout with a new set of frequently used symbols. In addition, our team comes with support for all .NET developers and OEM partners. Now they can easily change the design of the keyboard and use it in your .NET projects. Read more ...

Touch friendly layout SwitchingKeyboard settings are available from the beginning of a .net developer and MenuSupport OEM PartnersMinor enhanced calculator
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August 18, 2010

PhoneWeaver for Android released!

"30 June 2010-Android users rejoice, PhoneWeaver worldwide best Manager profiles are now available for Android phones! ".. .For those not familiar with PhoneWeaver for Windows Mobile, PhoneWeaver is a powerful Profile Manager, which lets you to create smart profiles activated manually or automatically depending on the time, and location. Each profile can control almost every element of your telephone system, starting with your phone's sounds through connections and advanced features, such as the ability to run specific applications and control the screen brightness, and more! ". Can't say I've ever used, but it certainly PhoneWeaver looks useful, and I know a lot of mobile users, I swear this is ... love that video, though, especially ringtone ... check out the full click here ...

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Skepticism connections mobile platform at Microsoft

I really hate to make mounting skepticism about whether Windows 7 phone has a chance, because in each case can become self-fulfilling. On the other hand you as consumers need to make a choice, so it's important to be open to questions. And these issues are: developers will be willing to build applications? Make handset manufacturers? And Microsoft will support commitment to the mobile platform?

Prospects for developers are jumping on board phone Windows 7

To its credit, Microsoft had the guts to make a clean break from the Windows Mobile platform that do not fit new conventions is easy to use, easy to use touchscreen smartphones.

But to make a clean break means that your old software will not work on Windows 7 phone and developers completely rewrite their applications to the new platform. Whether they wish to do so the big question, bearing in mind that surging platform Android and iPhone.

Even if some developers are coming on board, Windows 7 phone will never attract enough to have the app store, which will compete with Apple in 250000 apps App Store, or 60 000 for Android?

Ashlee Vance, writing in the New York Times, it is questionable whether she said that culture, technology and the developer support Microsoft simply not relevant to the young developers in stores when you start Microsoft must create their gifts. They are more suited to you open platforms such as Android environment. It quotes the Publisher Tim O' Reilly, as they say, "Microsoft is totally off the radar of cool, hip, modern developers."

Tom Bradley PCWorld says that Microsoft is just too late with Windows 7 phone and suggests that Microsoft cut their losses and focus on developing applications for other platforms and that these platforms to integrate with their widely used Microsoft Exchange.

Will run for manufacturers of Windows Mobile 7?

Some people also wondering whether manufacturers will take the platform.HTC has been in recent years, but most of the prototype appears from other developers.However, HTC head of PR has recently confirmed commitment to HTC phone Windows, stating that they would be there for one day ... you can read more about PocketLint.And thoughts phone Windows provide device rumors from HTC in November.

Obligations for mobile devices

Of course death Microsoft Keane phones announced in late June, raises questions about the future of Microsoft's commitment to mobile travel designer j Allard and imminent retirement of the Chief of the Department for consumer Robbie Bach's head of the Department for consumer will report directly to CEO Steve Ballmer, who has been criticized for not up to date with market developments, in accordance with article at the New York Times.

Of course death of relatives of the phones there is a lot of questions about other eWeek has a great article tell the whole story and Mini-Microsoft blog has some inside scoop, including statements from former members of the Group developed Keane.

But Microsoft seems intent on focusing our energies on Windows 7 phone and successful launch of what appears to be a solid foundation and one shouldn't underestimate them.

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Handy Safe v2.0 released for Android

Paragon, the same guys for a great dictionary and encyclopedia reference apps recently added a version of its mobile encrypted database app for Android and Symbian re-designed version. Read the full PR info and links ...

FREIBURG, Germany-13, 2010-Paragon Software Group, a leading developer of software for mobile devices and desktop computers and creator of the broad lines of convenience functionality tools for advanced-adds Android Smartphone line platform highly regarded line of Handy Safe data management applications, in addition to the versions available for Windows Mobile and Symbian version of Java is one of the first and most popular version of Handy Safe available-recently changed fresh graphics and powerful customization.

Paragon for the first time in the market of mobile devices to develop effective and useful application for Symbian devices, and we are using our years of experience to extend our Handy Safe line for fast-growing market Android, "said Alex Zudin, CEO, Paragon Software Group.

Handy Safe Pro 2.0 pairs new level ease of data management applications with unsurpassed security functionality: Keep your mind free from countless letters and numbers, all important information can be stored in one place, safe, easy access, and always with you. store passwords, credit card information, user names, codes, PIN numbers, Web pages, addresses, travel info, insurance policies, software keys, and more on your mobile device.Custom graphics cards represent your confidential information in an easy to use interface and 448 bit Blowfish encryption for Symbian (128-bit for Android-based) phones guarantees absolute security.

Included with the Handy Safe Pro v2.0 for your Smartphone Handy Safe v2.0 Professional desktop, Desktop component that easily saves changes and synchronize your personal data to from your mobile device.

"What makes our product for Symbian users a unique is its uncompromising commitment to data security features for mobile devices and desktop PCS in a single connection software solution for one low price," said Alex Zudin, Director-General. "In General, the price of Handy Safe Pro Suite is considerably lower than what consumers will pay for two separate applications. "

 Handy Safe Pro was recently named one of top ten Symbian apps, UK-based online edition smartphone daily ( as "proof" that Handy Safe Pro has the ability to store all encrypted data in perfect synchronization on all desktop computers and Symbian phones with one license your software. "If you value your privacy and identity, "the article says," get it ".

Handy Safe Pro features:

New features!New image map representation. New! set from 65 + preset graphic templates and icons New!Customization. Sync with your desktop client to ensure database integrity. Strong 448-bit (128-bit for Android) Blowfish encryption ensures the safety of your confidential information, there is currently no effective known hack unique data form the code 35, store passwords, credit card data, codes, accounts, (banking, email, Internet, shopping), Web pages, addresses, travel info, insurance policies, keys, software and much more. Custom templates to store specific information according to your needs. Hyperlinked URLs. subfolder support.aspx Autolock when Handy Safe Pro in the background or is not used for a certain period of time.

Handy Safe v2.0 Professional desktop features:

Easy access to your personal information on the PC. New! New graphics cards representation with 65 + predefined templates and icons New! Windows Vista and Windows 7 support. New! synchronization with Android devices (Handy Safe Pro for Android). New! Quick data encryption Technology. improved synchronization mechanism. 448 bit Blowfish search across the database for Fast navigation. necessary Web pages open URL function. Create encryption of backups to restore your personal data in the event of any hardware or software problems. "send your information via email. User defined database location: Show\hide password function. Import database SpashID, eWallet, FlexWallet, CodeWallet Pro.

Availability:Handy Safe Pro for Symbian is available for 29.95 EUR ($ 34.95). Handy Safe Pro for Android is available for $ 9.95 via download from the Android market. Handy Safe Desktop Professional is available for 24.95 USD (17.95 euro) via from download

About Paragon Software Group

All products, services and company names mentioned in the release are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

Smart Handheld Devices Division:


Department store:

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SoftMaker Office 2010 mobile version is available!

I use the excellent SoftMaker Office on your Windows Mobile device and my laptop with Windows 7. It is not only cheaper alternative to desktop, MS Office, but the mobile version has great functionality that far surpasses the (now free) version of Ms Mobile. If you're going to try to travel without a computer, and instead use your mobile as a real portable facilities, you'll need to SoftMaker Office. The product supports formats docx and xlsx file in MS Office 2007 and higher and much much more ... read here to find out more, or read about PR more ...

Nurnberg, Germany-2, 2010

Windows Mobile users Now can get SoftMaker Office 2010, only
quality desktop Office suite on the market for mobile devices.
SoftMaker, its German manufacturers, has just released the latest version
that adds significant features and is 100% compatible with the
popular Microsoft Office System.


"Until they learned about SoftMaker Office, Windows Mobile users
do not have the opportunity to work in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
file without losing the formatting or content when they moved
files back on their PCs. SoftMaker Office 2010 for Windows
Mobile changes everything and on top of that it's first-class Office
In itself, "said Martin Kotulla, CEO of SoftMaker software

SoftMaker Office 2010 for mobile comes with Windows Mobile
an alternative to the three core Microsoft Office applications:

TextMaker is only fully functional 2010 text editor for Windows
Mobile-reliable, convenient, and the ability to read and write all
Files of Microsoft Word, TextMaker, with high precision.
all on a Pocket PC, Microsoft Word may have been on a Windows PC.
In version 2010 TextMaker adds reading and writing support
THE DOCX file format in Word 2007 to 2010.

PlanMaker 2010 is fully compatible with Excel tables, allowing
ability to create complex worksheets on their mobile devices.

PlanMaker 2010 is the only spreadsheet for Windows Mobile
that gives a great wealth of functions known from Excel and that
read and write all Excel worksheets Adds PlanMaker 2010 seamlessly.
reading XLSX support and allows the user to create stunning charts.

SoftMaker presentations 2010-compliant alternative is SoftMaker in
in PowerPoint, with all the same features and benefits.
It's only presentation program for Windows Mobile that is capable of
to edit the PowerPoint files without compromising quality or conversion.

SoftMaker presentations 2010 users can access the full
functionality of the program desktop presentations, allowing them to
create, edit and manage slides, insert and edit images, graphics,
a table or text frames, all animation in PowerPoint
objects etc Application comes with a range of ready-to-
templates or you can create your own full-access passes to a slide
Masters, placeholders, color schemes and other functions as are found
in Microsoft PowerPoint.

All applications in 2010 SoftMaker Office suite for Windows Mobile
allow the user to directly directly create PDF files (Adobe Acrobat)
on their mobile devices.

For additional information about SoftMaker Office 2010 for Windows
Mobile, or download a trial version, visit

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Early death for phones Microsoft KIN

Only six weeks after the launch of new Keene series phones Microsoft story about Gizmodo claims that Microsoft pulled the plug on this product line is extremely weak.

As yet unconfirmed story is legitimate in a press release from Microsoft. After searching Web sites, Microsoft and Verizon Wireless, I was unable to confirm this information in any formal press releases, but the story seems to be valid.

Keane was founded in the early flavor their upcoming phone Windows 7 is designed to replace the old consumer phone operating system and is sold to a younger audience.

Phone very quickly dropped in price after its launch, which may have been early lackluster sales. Keane suffers from the lack of applications, such as the app store and skeptical audience with higher expectations than what can offer Keane.Highly connected device with its embedded applications, Keane is required the full value of the data plan that may be because consumers were willing to pay.

Statement on Gizmodo claims that Microsoft has decided to kill Keane, trying to bring together developers focus on Windows 7.

All plans to establish a European launch and Keane. Microsoft will continue to work with Verizon to support current stocks and sold devices.

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History of the death of Keane phones Android growth;

A little bit shocking News weeks ago Microsoft discontinued Keane, leaving many phone to wonder what's going on. Also this week, we'll look and feel of the Android phone the latest and greatest and will briefly on Microsoft confusing array of services.

Goodbye Keane phones

Only six weeks after they were introduced phones Microsoft Keane, Microsoft axed and shifted its focus to Windows command Keane 7 phone: the big question is, why.An official explanation from Microsoft was that they wanted to focus on Windows 7.

The rumor was that fewer than 10 000 phones were sold with some gives a picture of nearly 500. compare it with 4 million iPhones sold 1.7 within three days.

ZDNet has a good article gives an overview of confusing issues pertaining to development Keane. author loved Keane, although there are several major shortcomings.

I thought there was something visionary, Rod and back story on Engadget that vision of ' J ' Allard. But politics (including "Allard) and changing the direction of the had a simple effort that little fruit.

In the big picture, I think there's two takeaways: 1) is evidence of confusion Keane fiasco in Mobile Microsoft (which obviously is not a good thing) and 2 Keane revealed that Microsoft has a strong vision and a great technology for consumer devices (e.g. genus Studio), and it provides an overview of some of the features in Windows 7.

In the meantime, Android grows

This is not a good time for Microsoft to show confusion in their cell Division, the surging interest in Android and iPhone.No confusion.Both have cool equipment, great app stores and many phone manufacturers and developers eagerly participate.

Interesting interview with Google CEO Eric Schmidt in the guardian "questions, it would be possible to attract these phone manufacturers and developers of Microsoft is a good question, and certainly not the. And if they are not jumping on board, Windows 7 phone can go by Keane.

Nevertheless, there are a lot like WP7, as we have seen.And one should never count Microsoft.

But the fight for mindshare and market share it would be difficult, especially in new phones like X Droid, hitting the market's latest Android devices, and some say it's the best on the market, it has a huge screen (5 inches!), speed, 8-megapixel camera and an intelligent design Watch David Pogue's New York Times.

The phone is also one of the first to come up with Swype, new text input method.

Microsoft's discussion of the proposals for synchronization

This is a good news/bad news: Microsoft offers a number of possibilities for cloud-based syncing, such as the free my phone, but the bad news is that it's confusing. I have not had the opportunity to sort it out.

If you are not confused, you can find this excellent article Ars Technica useful he describes the various services: Windows Live Sync, Live Mesh, my phone and SkyDrive.

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August 15, 2010

Wireless technology and its applications In home and work

10 years ago the Internet was quite rare. Today, the Internet has become an important part of our life, work, economics and strategic research. The same is true of wireless technologies. 5 years ago, virtually non-existent, today is your WIFI finder goes crazy with all available wireless networks. I think it's OK now go and sit on my balcony and wireless surfing the Internet. And not only for connecting computers or Internet WiFi technology.

Full range of tools and gadgets WIFI jumping on the train. You can have the child phone cameras system that uses your home WiFi network image & audio from your camera to your computer or PDA. Or how about a rabbit WIFI? This toy rabbit that is constantly connected to the Internet. You can talk to him in a team.He can say too and recommendation for incoming e-mails, SMS, telephone, etc. you may have read in your email, weather, information on the securities market, etc.

One of the coolest apps WIFI is IMHO, Apple's Airport Express access. This wireless access point that effectively create a wireless network. It has a USB port, so you can connect the printer to a wireless printer. But the absolute coolest thing about it is it's minijack audio port. Here you can connect any speaker system or HIFI equipment. So basically for 129 you can have a WiFi network that can print without cables, and you can play your music wireless networks, without cables!There is more to come.In the latest version of iTunes you can now use multiple speakers. That means that you can connect different is the airport together and music came out all of them at home, I know there are music, coming from the living room, bedroom, Office and kitchen, all at once!

Ultimate PocketPC Settingspart I

Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new POCKET PC (PPC) in the store, he has all this additional software regardless of the carrier do you use? This software is what will bog down your phone and turn it out a lightning fast turtles slowly. These programs not only consume memory of your phone, but they are there as a marketing opportunity for your operator. Some of this software, you can use, but for the most part, this is a useless waste of space on your phone. The good news is that there is something you can free up your phone ... it's called flashing memory.

 Flashing ROMS can be scary concept to many people, such as essentially what you are doing to remove the entire operating system from your phone and starting from scratch. In advance of it, there are some downsides flashing a new Firmware on your phone. One of the things "bricking" your phone.If you don't take steps closely, "bricking" your phone is basically turns it into a useless piece of junk. other negative for flashing the new firmware is void your warranty if he or she is authorized to DRIVE manufacturer or carrier. 

The plus side, flashing a new firmware is huge! first, you get rid of all the garbage and the return type of carrier functionality intended by the manufacturer. Another bonus is that most of the time you significantly improve device and do much better.

When I flashed my first CD, he was an learned "white knuckle" where I kept thinking to myself "why I'm ruining my phone?", I made sure that closely follow and although nerve racking, made it all worth it.Today I will probably flash new disk 2 or 3 times a month, depending on where my favorite "Chef" have been amended each time I edit ROMs, it feels like I have a new phone.Functionality is usually better in the long run, allowed me to stay with phones more and flashing ROMs I was buying new phones, quite often and is always looking for new features and user interface improvements.

So if you are looking to unleash the force in your PocketPC, flashing new disks may be your answer in the next articles I'll talk about some things to consider before sending your first jump Flash.

Stop wasting time 10 Terrific timesavers

Translate Request has too much data

Parameter name: request

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 2, position 14508.

Like most women, you’re probably juggling many balls at once. Most likely you have a job, whether it’s inside or outside the home, as well as volunteer and family-related responsibilities. You might also have a spouse or significant other to attend to; kids to care for; a household to run (and clean!); cats to feed... The list goes on, and on.

The problem is, with 24 hours in a day, eight or more of which are spent in your pajamas, it’s possible – no, make that probable – that you’re not accomplishing as much as you’d like. Chances are, you feel as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.

But 24 hours is actually a lot of time. The reason why it doesn’t feel like much is that, quite simply, a huge amount of this time is wasted. Squandered, pilfered and frittered away. And before you know it – Poof! – the day is over. Your bed is still unmade; your errands are still undone; your emails are still unanswered, and you’re left there wondering, “Where did the time go?”

The good news is, help is on the way. Below, you’ll find 10 ways to grab your time back, before it slips through your fingers once again (and again, and again)…

--> 1. Make a list, and check it twice.

Buy bread. Replace the heels on your favorite pumps. Fill up the gas tank. Get a mammogram… the list seems endless. How can a person possibly remember all this stuff long enough to actually accomplish it? Simple: Write it down.

Most time-efficiency experts agree: In order to keep on top of things, you need to have a clear, detailed to-do list, to help manage your tasks and declutter your brain. Think about it: If you write things down, each task that needs to be accomplished is no longer a nagging thought in the back of your mind, competing for your attention and wasting your time. Instead, it’s right there in black and white, waiting to be taken care of. If you’re a techie type, check out MyLife Organized, a nifty task-management software program that helps you to prioritize your work and personal projects. For Windows and PocketPC; $46 at Later, if you feel like rewarding yourself for a job well done, go for it. You deserve it!

--> 2. Resist the urge to hit the snooze button.

Sure, puttering around the house in your PJs is awfully nice, but blowing the most valuable part of the day, the early-morning hours, is more than a waste of time: It’s counterproductive. Studies have shown that the early-morning hours are, in fact, the most productive hours of the entire day. If you start your around-the-house activities or get to the office a half an hour earlier, say, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. (And don’t forget to tackle your highest-priority projects first, when your brain is at its sharpest.)

--> 3. Multi-tisket, multitask it...

Trying to juggle 10 balls at once is hard, because, ultimately, you’re bound to drop one or two (or all of them!) at any given moment. At the same time, who says you can’t juggle two, or even three if you feel like it? There’s nothing wrong with chatting on the phone with a girlfriend while pasting photos into a scrapbook or photo album, for instance. Or how about folding laundry, ironing or walking on the treadmill while listening to a book-on-tape or the news on your iPod? As long as you’re not trying to accomplish something that requires your concentrated or undivided attention (i.e., writing your dissertation; reading War and Peace; chopping wood), you should be able to handle it.

--> 4. Put yourself on a schedule.

You know the saying, “If you want something done, give it to the busiest person you know”? Well, there’s a reason for that. Most busy people are on a tight schedule. They know that they have a specific amount of time to get something done, so they don’t dilly-dally or waste time. They buckle down and do what needs to be done. If you know that you have only two hours to accomplish a certain task, for instance, you’re more likely to focus on the task at hand and get it done in a speedy, time-efficient manner. In fact, the more time you have to do something, the longer you’re likely to spend doing it (read: all day!) If you’d like to see where your time’s really going, check out TaskCapture, a software program that monitors how long you spend working on files. For Windows and Mac; $79 at []. Still not sure? Download a free, 15-day demo.

--> 5. Don’t be a Martha!

With so much going on – emails to answer; calls to make; lunches to pack; clothes to launder; gifts to buy; meetings to attend – keeping your head above water can feel like a Herculean task. One way to handle this stressed-out, overwhelmed feeling is to focus on the big picture and cut yourself some serious slack. For instance, if you need to bake 24 cupcakes for your daughter’s kindergarten class, don’t worry about decorating each one with a perfect little buttercream rosette. You’re not Martha Stewart! The cupcakes will taste just as yummy rosette-free, and no one will notice the difference. The less pressure you place on yourself, the more time you’ll have to stop and smell the roses (or the cupcakes, as the case may be…).

--> 6. Learn how to delegate.

If you’re one of those “If-you-want-something-done-right, do-it-yourself” kind of gals, well… get over it! Like any new skill, accepting help can take time to learn. But once you do it, you’ll be surprised at how good it feels to cede control to others.

Therefore, instead of trying to do it all, superhero-style, ask for help. If you’re the one in your household who usually cooks and serves dinner, clears the table and then washes up afterwards, try this: Have your kids or spouse set the table, or chop and peel vegetables. Have them clear, wash up and take the garbage out. Make your requests known, and your expectations clear. Once you’re in the habit of asking others to pitch in, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish (or, if you feel like, indulge in some well deserved time to yourself). Remember, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

--> 7. Get more sleep.

As counterintuitive as this may sound, getting more shut-eye actually allows a person to enjoy more waking hours in a day. The reason is simple: people who don’t get enough sleep at night tend to feel cranky, fuzzy, unmotivated and unproductive during the day. And not only are cranky, fuzzy, unmotivated and unproductive people not a lot of fun to be around, they end up wasting gobs of time because they’re too tired to focus – or even function! (Why do you think sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture, anyway?) The moral of this story? Get at least seven hours of sleep (eight is better), and don’t feel guilty for hitting the hay early. You deserve a good night’s rest.

--> 8. Step out of line!

Lots of precious time is wasted in the check-out line. In the supermarket; at the post office; the bakery; the bank. Basically, anywhere that you can find a cash register, you’ll find a line. It will be long, and it won’t move. And if it does move, it will move slowly. Very, very s l o w l y. Plus, not only is waiting in line more tedious than watching paint dry, it’s a complete and utter waste of time. Time that could be spent engaged in other, more meaningful activities. One way to avoid these time-sapping lines is by ordering as much as humanly possible – from bananas to bicycles; nail polish to novels; violins to Volvos – online. Buying in bulk helps too (think: toilet paper; diapers; bottled water, etc). The bottom line? One less trip to the store is one less time-waster for you.

--> 9. Block temptations.

As wondrous as the Internet is – and it is! It is! – it is also the greatest time-waster on earth. (Case in point: How many times have you bid on useless junk on eBay, or Googled hapless ex-boyfriends? And let’s not forget about!) Now, that’s not to pooh-pooh technology. It’s great, and you can’t stop the steady march of progress. But unless we keep our baser technological impulses in check, well, Houston…we’ve got a problem. Email is a perfect example. They suck up more time than an Electrolux. So, instead of clicking on each new message that bounces into your in-box, check your emails once per hour (or half hour, if you are truly addicted). If demonstrating this kind of restraint feels too difficult or downright impossible, you can always block your computer from certain programs – such as pesky emails – for a set period of time. For Windows only, try a free download at

--> 10. Keep it in perspective.

Of course, keeping lists, multitasking, scheduling, delegating and buying in bulk isn’t for all of us. Like rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time, some can do it effortlessly while others find it impossibly hard. If you fall into the latter category, don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, accept the fact that you, like everyone else, have your limitations, and be kind to yourself. You might also find that having your own system of doing things works best for you. If that’s the case, be inventive. Create your own time-saving devices, and celebrate the fact that you’ve discovered something new. Oh, and don’t forget to share!

Sony Ericsson W980 Walkman phoneSony adds a range the W980

Manufacturers constantly managing associate more and more features into their new product launches, which is exactly what Sony Ericsson did with their latest release mobile phone music focused.

Expanding the range of the Walkman phone series ' W ', the new Sony W980 is the latest flip design phone will be launched in the UK and bears the distinctive branding Walkman now commonly associated with producing music devices.

Has released two new smartphones, two Cyber-Shot phones and PDAs in recent times, it is not surprising that the manufacturer has also launched a new Walkman phone to add them more and more.

Music Sony Ericsson W980 Walkman phone offers quality stereo and surround sound, which wasn't available in previous models walkman.

The Walkman comes with PlayNow, TrackID music recognition, Shake control and SensMe functions and FM radio with RDS and fully supported by the FM transmitter to interact with your stereo or home hi-fi system.

In addition there are 3.2 megapixel camera with Photo fix, 3.2 x digital zoom, video player and picture blogging function.

3 G HSDPA enabled, Sony Ericsson W980 includes secondary camera for video calling, dedicated music keys, cameras, internal 2 inches screen and the external display TFTVnutrennââ massive 8 GB memory and as such is not available with the Sony Ericsson W980 expansion but we seriously doubt you need.

Without forgetting the features such as Web browser, email, bluetooth with A2DP Stereo support, flight mode, functions and 3D games, Sony Ericsson W980 Walkman in the colours of its piano black is strangely very stylish and very seductive.

This new mobile phone will please many a fan of Sony Ericsson as the range of the phone is not as wide as their candy-bar form mobile phones, many consumers prefer clamshell design simply because when the fold is closed keys protected, making it virtually impossible for unwanted calls into your pocket or bag.

The beauty of the new Sony Ericsson W980 is the manufacturer has included external control music player that allows users to access their music tracks, while the phone is closed, the buttons are similar to standard stand-alone MP3 Player format, slightly raised, making it easy to use in poor light conditions.

Thankfully, the W980 is not started on the net, exclusive, seems to be the case with many new model launches in recent times, this means that users have the choice of network while trying to meet the requirements of their use to find the optimum combination of tariffs.

Sony Ericsson W980-phone is a stylish and compact design with high specification music talent, a good camera and latest features music, this phone will appeal to music lovers aswell as gadget enthusiasts and Sony Ericsson fans.

Initially started network O2, Sony, the W980 rolled forward networks in the very near future.

Solitaire Game for Pocket PC

Every little thing we have today for your convenience, there seems to be so. This includes our handhelds and Pocket PC. Now games invade these things, we encourage both handy organizers. But for those who can't get enough of the video games and card games, having some computer games like solitaire games, integrated into the gadget "serious" welcome relief. Stunning visuals, provocative graphic displays and witty animations that many suppliers every enthusiast gamers have to develop different game addiction.

700 solitaire games PDArt has recently developed on a Pocket PC v1.07. Thus there are 700 more reason to get hooked on your PDA.I think this is the largest collection of solitaires game for Pocket PC, if you've ever seen. Adding more call games are enhanced sound quality and a variety of game options that suit your desire and definitely a desire for some minds and map action.

On the other hand, not all users are really crazy CPC on investing in these games. Whenever in doubt, you can always try the demo version for free. In the end you can only spend so much time and money on your addiction Solitaire.Play the demo is a good alternative for immediate purchase, because the demo gives you a comprehensive understanding of the game you just have to make sure that your Pocket PC or PDA has the latest software, usually Windows Mobile 5 or PocketPC version 2003. This ensures that if ever you get the latest demo version, you can enjoy the games and variants of solitaire games compatible with your handheld device.

Some vendors have solitaire game, where you can select a background or theme, to complement your gaming experience a Solitaire. Plus colorful and attractive background and theme will definitely keep you in the mood for the game.These images must be in GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, so you should make sure that your Pocket PC has enough space to hold these files, and some providers offer additional tools for The Solitaire games in a device.Tool you can organize games for criterias, or even by difficulty.Thus, it would be easier to retrieve data in a single click.

Although there are other varieties of good games and brands, its power-packed features are the best reason to stay entertained with games good collection of games includes the best options in General, categories and stats games Solitaire settings is also a bonus Solitaire. This means that the game package will allow you to names or card check layouts. with these features and games addiction Solitaire on PDAs could be the next big thing.

Smart phone Palm one 750

Palm one 750 has a network of UMTS/GSM 850/900/1800/1900, who announced-2007, first quarter, now it's available in PhoneAndBeyond. It has a weight of 154, Palm one 750 display type is TFT touchscreen with 65 k colors display size of 240 x 240 pixels

Palm Treo 750 smartphone helps you stay connected on your terms.It combines phone, email, messaging, web and Windows Mobile with Palm enhancements that make it easier than ever to stay productive. get emails from more than one business or personal account.

Use the powerful Microsoft Windows Mobile ® with Palm enhancements to view, edit and create Word and Excel Mobile files, rehearse a PowerPoint presentation, even consult PDF files.Using Palm 1 750 you can access the Web right from where you're standing on fast, 3 G networks in addition to use Microsoft Office Mobile redefine business documents wherever you happen to be, or relax and listen to your favorite music, play video clips, or shoot and send images directly to your device.

1 750 Palm also has integrated Bluetooth wireless technology, and new side mounted mini SD memory expansion and 1.3-megapixel camera with 2 x digital zoom.

Once you have everything set up and working, Palm 1 750 makes solid, though not quite an enviable laptop sidekick. Setup was more difficult than it should be for a stroll through Windows network connection wizard, which is never fun. handles your network of connections From Dial-Up, rather than being friendlier to your network
Palm 1 750 download speeds were just under 400 kbps, we were using a USB connection or Bluetooth connection.

OS: Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 PocketPC
Messaging-SMS MMS via email
Browser-WAP 2.0/HTML (PocketIE)
Solitaire Game-Bubble switch
Camera 5 MP video 1280 x 1024 pixels

Palm Centro tells us that full support for HSDPA works and should be a free update for Treo 750, but does not give detailed information on when this happens. Unfortunately the phone will not be charged via a USB cable, unlike Treo 700, so you can take along an extra charger. order at online

Smart choices in VoIP for new users

Translate Request has too much data

Parameter name: request

Translate Request has too much data

Parameter name: request

The buzz surrounding Voice over IP technology has been growing for quite some

time, but only recently has the notion of ditching standard telephone service grown

so compelling that companies like Skype can claim over 215 million downloads of

its product. In this article, we'll explore the current offerings and help you make

wise choices while embarking on the VoIP path.

Let's start with vocabulary. The most important and oft-repeated acronym you

must learn and understand in regards to Voice over IP is SIP. SIP stands for Session

Initiation Protocol, a well-established, open-standard protocol that is the glue to

the VoIP world. It allows a vast array of services, software, and hardware to work

together to create flexible, feature-rich calling solutions with many attractive

benefits. If it doesn't support SIP, you shouldn't support them.


At minimum, you need a high-speed Internet connection, a SIP phone number, and

a softphone. A softphone is a software version of an IP phone that lets you make

calls using your computer.

Some services, like Stanaphone and Gizmo, will provide you with a softphone to use

with their system. Most of these will only let you configure SIP numbers that belong

to their network. If you want to utilize multiple SIPs across different networks, your

best option is to use X-Lite, a free softphone from Counterpath (formerly known as

Xten Networks). With X-Lite, it appears you can configure up to 9 different SIP

numbers. Like Gizmo, X-Lite comes in Mac, Windows, and PC versions.

If you want to use your existing phone, rather than a headset or microphone and

speakers, you'll need an analog phone adapter. Dedicated, SIP-compatible IP

phones are also available. Wi-Fi IP phones can be carried with you and used

wherever there's a wireless Internet signal. There are also WiFi mobile phones


You should also receive a SIP URL which looks similar to an email address and is a

simple way to share your new contact information. You can easily dial a SIP URL in

your softphone application or link to it from a web page. If you're using a hardware

phone, SIP Broker has a free service that can maps the SIP server names to short

numeric codes, allowing you to easily dial users on over 200 different services.


You can make free calls to other IP phone users worldwide. You can make calls to

traditional phone numbers or attach a local phone number that routes to your SIP

number, allowing regular phone users to call you. If you travel, you can carry that

same phone number with you wherever there's an Internet connection, and the folks

back home won't incur long-distance charges when they call you. Free voice mail,

too, and messages are delivered to your e-mail.

In a business situation, you could slash or eliminate your long-distance charges by

setting up free calling between remote or international offices. Videoconferencing

also becomes possible without dedicated line charges. For the more adventurous,

you could also setup a PBX. Asterisk is a powerful, open-source PBX system with a

feature list that can give any sized business the advantages of a full-fledged digital

phone system.

If you work in a scenario where 2-way radios are utilized, DingoTel offers a product

which can turn these in to VoIP walkie-talkies while making use of the radios full

reception range, sometimes up to 12 miles depending on the model.

For the budget-conscious, with some services like Gizmo and SIPphone, standard

phone users in major cities can dial a free access number, enter your SIP number

and speak to you via your IP phone. SIP Broker also maintains a few numbers which

allow callers to dial SIP numbers on any of their 220+ supported networks.

It may seem tedious, but programming the entire of sequence of numbers in to a

phone's contacts directory is quite straightforward. Just remember to insert pauses

to allow for the phone system's menu options to respond. If your friends have free

long-distance calling plans, they could reach you via any of the available access

numbers mentioned above at no cost to either of you.

IPKall and Stanaphone will give you a free local number as long as you don't mind it

being in Washington State or New York City. IPKall will forward your number to any

SIP URL, but Stanaphone's will only work with the SIP number provided through


Free World Dialup and SIPphone have peering agreements allowing you to SIP dial

users on a number of different VoIP networks using a short prefix. SIP Broker can

also help you reach anyone on a service that allows incoming SIP calls, which

Vonage and CallVantage do not.

There are also SIP-compatible softphones available for the Pocket PC, Palm OS,

Symbian, and Linux handheld markets that can turn your handheld in to a cordless

Internet phone.


You have to pay when you want make calls to regular telephone numbers. If you

want a local number that links to your SIP number, that'll usually cost you, too. The

good news is that the prices are very reasonable. There are many service providers,

plans, and packages out there to suit home and business users. Here are some

important questions to ask:

Does the plan include hardware, i.e. an analog phone adapter?

Will I own the hardware being provided by the service?

If I am buying the hardware, is it locked to your service or can I use it with other

SIP service providers?

Do you offer a "Bring Your Own Device" calling plan?

Does the plan include a virtual phone number so anyone can call me?

Are all incoming calls free?

Can I receive incoming SIP calls by number and/or URLs?

Make sure you understand any contracts, fees, calling rates or restrictions before

agreeing to service. There are numerous service providers offering free and paid

services. With a little bit of research, you'll find something ideal for your intended



If you're looking to stay on your computer while having some room to grow, check

out Gizmo. Gizmo is an excellent, cross-platform SIP softphone that works with

network services from SIPphone. In this setup, you could add incoming virtual

phone numbers for $12/3 months or $35/year that will allow folks to call you. All

incoming calls are free to you and to the person dialing (as long as it isn't a long-

distance call, of course). They also maintains in major cities that users can dial,

enter your SIP number, and then be connected to you free of charge. They also have

decent outgoing rates for non-IP calls and sell making this a solution that scales

well for the average user. There's even an Adium plugin available for you Mac users

out there.

Stanaphone is a free service from hosting giant Intermedia that also provides you

with a free virtual phone number in the New York City area. You can also receive

faxes sent to your virtual number in your email. Voice mail is also included. You

can also utilize a SIP phone adapter with the service, but you'll have to pay to make

outgoing calls to standard phone numbers. At 2.6 cents a minute for calls in the

US, they're a bit more expensive than Gizmo/SIPphone but the free virtual number

and fax receiving are nice bonuses although their service lacks in other features.

Stanaphone has a softphone client for Windows and PocketPC, but Mac users can

also use CounterPath's X-Lite softphone with the service. The web site also says

only Stanaphone to Stanaphone calls are free, so you might be better off sticking

with Gizmo and their flexible peering agreements.

Free World Dialup offers SIP network services, but also has their own combination

Video IP Phone / instant messaging program. Within one program, you can make

SIP-based voice and video calls and chat with your friends whether they're on

Yahoo, MSN, AOL, or ICQ. Their traditional inbound and outbound calling service is

still in Beta and a bit more expensive than Gizmo. Their Communicator application

is also available for PC only, although many hardware devices will work with the

FWD SIP network.

A number of service providers offer packages targeted towards specific kinds of

users. Broadvoice, for example, has unlimited worldwide plans starting at $19.95,

while also offering a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) plan at just $5.95 a month.

TelePacket has plans that start at just $0.95 a month while Packet 8 has plans that

target videoconferencing users at $19.95 a month.


If you want to test the waters, I'd start with trying out Gizmo. It's a lightweight,

feature-rich softphone that also gets you service through SIPphone. They provide

local access numbers for non-VoIP users to call SIP numbers from traditional

phones, have many peering agreements with other networks to keep you connected,

and support options like virtual phone numbers and offer low-cost rates on calls

made to standard phones to give you a more robust VoIP phone package when

you're ready.

If you want to take the plunge, check out Broadvoice or Packet 8, who offers E911

service. They both offer robust feature sets, unlimited calling plans, inexpensive

virtual phone numbers, and have a good track record of reliability and service.

As for speaking and listening on any of these services, you have three basic options:

use a quality headset, purchase a phone adapter, or purchase an IP phone. A

headset, of course, is the most economical option. Buying a phone adapter is a

good choice if you love your phone and/or want to continue using your standard

phone service. Most, if not all, phone adapters also plug in to your phone line to

utilize the attached phone for both VoIP and regular phone calls. If you like the idea

of an IP phone and have a wireless network, we strongly suggest getting a WiFi

phone. It offers the most flexibility because it allows you to not only talk wirelessly

at home, but wherever there is a wireless Internet connection.


Whether you just want a new toy or are looking for a replacement phone system for

your home or office, the current crop of VoIP offerings present a wide array of

services and options. Review each company's web site, read the fine print, and

search the web for service reviews and user experiences. You're sure to find a

suitable solution with the ideal combination of cost, features, and quality that you're

looking for.

Samsung I900 Omnia 8 GB Samsung Omnia Smartphone connection range 16 GB

Smartphones, appeared in a very similar design with one another regardless of manufacturer, most new release smartphones are very similar to the coveted Apple iPhone, but something more like technology is still developing rapidly, stop and manufacturers manage cram in more and more functions, making the phone more useful than ever.

Latest addition to the range of smartphones from Samsung is the new Samsung i900 Omnia 8 GB, this new model is derived from the production of 16 GB and keeps the same great features and technologies, like the previous model.

External style is still in the basic form of the iPhone, but Samsung packed these new devices to the rafters with new technologies and some of the features, awe inspiring 8 GB Samsung Omnia Edition offers all the same features as 16 GB, the only difference is the size of the internal memory.

For uploading a lot of music and apps aswell as store many pictures and video clips, the 16 GB model will be for those who use their mobile phones mainly for text and e-mail, and then a little cheaper 8 GB version will be more then enough.

Pretty much everything you could want from a mobile phone Samsung SGH-I 900 offers some basic functions.Ideal for business users, Samsung I900 comes with a built-in GPS receiver and powered by Windows Mobile 6 PocketPC.

UMTS/HSDPA 3 G connectivity is enabled, and taking into account the possibility of Wi-Fi, Samsung I900 includes 5 mega pixel camera with auto focus, video capture and playback, and a massive 8 GB of internal memory with the possibility of further extension.It is also worth noting that a microSD card slot is likely will support microSDHC cards as well.

Would not be complete without Bluetooth for wireless data transfer of files and images to a compatible device within 10 meters and headset outcall music player with FM radio for tuning into your favorite radio stations or catching up on the latest news and sports news.

3.5-inch touch screen a good size for viewing on the Internet, view documents and catching up on email, as well as the images can be viewed with much higher quality and clarity, but the screen on a Samsung i900 will include Gesture Control, which is fantastic news.

Other features include Samsung i900, TV output, an RSS reader, MSN Messenger, Google Maps and streaming video capabilities. impressive to say the least, Samsung also failed to give this Smartphone is not just a great spec, but high quality top design that really make it worthy of its status as a high.

Samsung i900 Omnia 8 GB was distributed, currently at Orange contract deals in the UK, it is expected that further networks will offer this new smartphone soon. 16 GB Samsung i900 is available now on O2 UK networks, but again, it is expected that picking up this new model aswell.

Putting it all together searching for Pocket PC phone

When I decided that I need to replace my horribly outdated cell phone Nextel i1000plus-old-my thoughts eventually wandered to a PDA phone. For those who know me, it's probably seemed no brainer. I have long pda dependence going back years for Palm 3 x. However I had a PDA that I was very happy with. Over the past 18 months I used my HP iPAQ 2215 for everything from A PDA (personal digital assistant), e-book reader, MP3 player, photo wallet, wake up service/alarm clock, mobile Web browser (using wifi Compact Flash card), among many other things. Trying to cram the phone in all of this seems overwhelming, but the curiosity and my need for a new gadget-got the better of me. My search was a double-look for a new mobile phone and a new supplier. With my current cellular provider I haven't received any reception in my home so that I needed to find a carrier that did.

Through various unscientific tools such as my own opinion polls friends and work Associates, together with some Internet research, I whittled their way down to Cingular and Verizon. For example, tend to be highly appreciated by the users, I typed, from research on the Internet. This part of the equation, I went online to see which phones each had to offer.I was ready to go with a 2 year commitment in hopes of getting a better deal on phone and plan pricing in addition I would like to receive a group where my wife and I could share minutes.

So now I look at the relevant sites of each company for their modern Pocket PC phones.I'm not talking about smart phones-phones with Pocket PC software is stuck in the teeny tiny screen that didn't even touch screen-it just would not satisfy my needs. I'm talking about a full blown, "why do you speak into your calculator?"Pocket PC phones-uber Geek, pocket protector incorporated a powerhouse micro computer. In the end I'm married now, and I really don't care about public opinion or impressing anyone with my sleek, stylish, sexy new cell phone.

I was hoping to spend around $ 300.00. I think I can sell my iPAQ 2215 on eBay for $ 200.00 + $ 100 hours for a new phone seems like a really good deal.

So what I think is one heck of a pricelist. Verizon has much to say about Treo 700. This is the first Treo, Pocket PC operating system is Windows Mobile 5.0. It costs $ 500.Way too expensive for me and he didn't even have WiFi.

Cingular best PDA phone is much better than I could get HP iPAQ hw6510 for $ 400.00. again without wifi. This is the real sticking point for me.I don't see any reason why major specifications will leave a chat to connect to 802 .11b/g wireless network if necessary.

OK back to the drawing board, maybe I can try it from different angles-eBay.

Searched for "Pocket PC phone" on eBay, gets many hits with a good assortment of new and old phones and Pocket PC.At this point I think I could get something might be a little box that meets all my requirements.It will also give me a good cross-section of exactly what's there and what features are available in this type of gadget.
Having gone through quite a few auction descriptions and cross-references manufacturer Web sites I have set my sites on a particular Phone Siemens SX66.This is especially mobile phone/PDA with a list of suggested Cingular, until recently, and he never showed up on their website.It seemed to fit my wishlist: a fast 400 MHz xscale Processor, Bluetooth, wifi, SDIO slot and a slide-out keyboard for typing so I watched several auctions and keep an eye on prices.

But sometimes you just have to get off the Internet and hit the bricks and mortar. I went to my local Verizon and Cingular stores and talked about the plans, I was looking for sales reps. I am not impressed with my long waits at Verizon Wireless or pushy salesman that I got he seems to think he knew that simply I need and shows me the phones and plans that I'm just not interested in.

I have had the experience of different Cingular store. Sales showed me a card you have cell coverage around my house, he told me about the plans that I saw on the site, and when I told him that I look at Siemens SX66 Pocket PC phone on eBay, he went to the back of the store and come out with the latest SX66,. I signed two-year deal with Cingular that night with a heck of a lot on the Pocket PC phone that all product specifications what I was looking for.

And you know what? I can even speak about my Siemens SX66 sitting in my living room.

Put your family tree on your PDA

If you haven't considered buying a PDA for genealogists, then read on! Here are some reasons why you should consider a PDA or Smartphone.

Share your family tree on your PDA.

Can carry all your data with you wherever you go.Imagine a tree for the whole family with you, all dates and locations that are difficult to keep in mind: the easiest way to display your family tree is on family tree software for handheld computers. Examples are: Pocket Genealogist, Gedstar Pro, GedWise, my roots and PAF Viewer.

I use Gedstar Pro because it is written specifically for software I use on my computer-master genealogist (TMG) and runs on a Palm, which I have a PocketPC Pocket Genealogist version ... and it's probably better-it has more features and more regularly., you can see your data, notes, check the research tasks and much more. Some programs load data back to your computer, although you have to think hard about whether you want it, it may be dangerous.

What else can be done using a PDA?

Pocket PC is a small computer, it can do almost anything! Course screen a lot less and is more restrictive in what you can do with it.Keyboard, if any, is also much less, so hard to make a lot of writing.You can install the database and perform data entry on your Palm device, for example, gravestones in a cemetery or catalogue in a library or archive.

You can use for notes on lectures with foldup keyboard-I did it myself with excellent results final word document can then be uploaded to my computer and then print-it is much easier to read than my usual Scribble!

Many, if not all, PDAS have voice mail feature: you can record voice notes, ideas and inspirations to follow later. you can record an interview (with permission) from family members or others.

Here is a list of other stuff, the pocket computer to do it:

On to lists
Notepad-quick handwritten notes
Your own documents
Notes library catalog
List of what you already (books, music, movies, plants)
What else?
Trade lists-not only the products!
Books on your wish list
Train schedules in a worksheet, or you can download with RTA
Expense tracking
Dictionaries and thesauruses
Foreign languages
Time zone
Cultural tips
And much more
Photos of kids/grandkids show people
Movies (small, although an extra memory card can contain lots of data)
Many of them you can do other things
Send an email

Pocket PC

Pocket PC might mean operating environment based on Microsoft Windows CE operating system (Microsoft Windows operating system version for hand held computers and embedded systems) or a handheld device that runs a version of the OS. Under Microsoft Pocket PC handhelds is "", which allows users to store and retrieve e-mail, contacts, appointments, playback, games, text messaging with MSN Messenger, your Web site and much more.

To be marked as Pocket PC, there are some preconditions for portable devices such as a Microsoft Windows CE, PocketPC Edition; complete with a set of application, which includes a touch screen, directional pad and buttons that you can use the application; and based on the ARM V4 compatible processor, Intel XScale, MIPS or SH3 processor CPU.

The Pocket PC was introduced by Microsoft in 2000 and consists of a combination of Windows CE v3.0, improved user interface, Pocket applications, handwriting, eBook reader, wireless Internet access, etc. were also released versions, which include mobile phone features and capabilities such as Mobile 2003 Phone Edition.Popular handheld PDA Hewlett-Packard Jornada 540 series, Compaq iPaq, Casio Cassiopeia and E-115, run on the Pocket PC.

The latest Pocket PC by Microsoft is Windows Mobile 5.0, officially released 10, 2005 based on Windows CE 5.x, can be mounted as USB Mass Storage and includes features like stacks of Direct3D Mobile, integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi phone application is also included, and Windows Mobile 5.0 compatible Microsoft Smartphone OS and related applications.