August 15, 2010

Ultimate PocketPC Settingspart I

Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new POCKET PC (PPC) in the store, he has all this additional software regardless of the carrier do you use? This software is what will bog down your phone and turn it out a lightning fast turtles slowly. These programs not only consume memory of your phone, but they are there as a marketing opportunity for your operator. Some of this software, you can use, but for the most part, this is a useless waste of space on your phone. The good news is that there is something you can free up your phone ... it's called flashing memory.

 Flashing ROMS can be scary concept to many people, such as essentially what you are doing to remove the entire operating system from your phone and starting from scratch. In advance of it, there are some downsides flashing a new Firmware on your phone. One of the things "bricking" your phone.If you don't take steps closely, "bricking" your phone is basically turns it into a useless piece of junk. other negative for flashing the new firmware is void your warranty if he or she is authorized to DRIVE manufacturer or carrier. 

The plus side, flashing a new firmware is huge! first, you get rid of all the garbage and the return type of carrier functionality intended by the manufacturer. Another bonus is that most of the time you significantly improve device and do much better.

When I flashed my first CD, he was an learned "white knuckle" where I kept thinking to myself "why I'm ruining my phone?", I made sure that closely follow and although nerve racking, made it all worth it.Today I will probably flash new disk 2 or 3 times a month, depending on where my favorite "Chef" have been amended each time I edit ROMs, it feels like I have a new phone.Functionality is usually better in the long run, allowed me to stay with phones more and flashing ROMs I was buying new phones, quite often and is always looking for new features and user interface improvements.

So if you are looking to unleash the force in your PocketPC, flashing new disks may be your answer in the next articles I'll talk about some things to consider before sending your first jump Flash.

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