September 27, 2010

Speed up Windows Mobile 5 PDA

Windows Mobile 5 gives us some important new features, including persistent storage. When I heard that there is an update to my HP iPAQ hx2410 Pocket PC I was ready to upgrade, along with many others. Unfortunately for many updates are smoothly and performance was a real problem. But I can tell you, fixed performance by following these steps:

* If you're not comfortable editing your registration, you have to do it, just get the latest Tweaks2k2 *

By searching the registry editor and change the following three values:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemStorageManagerFATFSCacheSize = 0x1000 (4096)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemStorageManagerFATFSEnableCache = 0x1 (1)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemStorageManagerFiltersfsreplxfiltReplStoreCacheSize = 0x1000 (4096)

Don't forget to select Tools > exit for settings that are applied to the registry and disable Windows Mobile devices, had not cast off yet!You have to do it because WM5 keeps some things in the RAM and cycling power will write to the disk.

Now soft reset your device.

We're not done yet, though, you may notice differences in productivity right now.

Now you need to stop the ActiveSync from the beginning of his time.So, open ActiveSync on your device and tap on WM5 > menu installation using a source server. Add any information to a fake server synchronization. Once this is complete, go to menu edit two > schedule tips "Manually" and press "OK" button at the top right Now you can go to > Settings menu and remove the Exchange Server that you just added. now ActiveSync does not start when you put your device.

Error reporting is a real drain on the battery and it simply disable performance., just go to Start > > System Configuration (tab) and tap the icon error messages, change the option "disable error reporting.

For good measure soft reset again. everything should be much snappier!!

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