September 10, 2010

Pocket PC Sat Nav

GPS manufacturers these days are locked in an ever increasing fight to glean over customers, not a day goes by without this or that modern feature, to entice you away from your money.

The one thing that never really keeps up with all this is the processing run of each unit's processor.

Having city maps for consume on foot or, pub guides is very proper but it slows down things where you need it the most out on the road.

When I first started using sat nav units, the thrill of simply having a unit recount you where to go, was pleasure enough, and all this without even issue commands, unbiased a beep to say an impending turn or action, to observe what that interested meant having a wonderful discover at the mask and figuring it out, which was always enchanting while driving

Thankfully along comes reveal guidance, which did achieve me from an inevitable collision gaping at a conceal figuring out that beep.

stutter commands however do steal more processing power, so same unit slower performance, especially in re routing calculations, often though-provoking turns up one contrivance streets, not clever at all.

The early re routing bustle of the first disclose guidance units, made for some lively situations, 10 seconds is a long time to wait for guidance when you are in a complex driving region, and a harmful proceed could come by you on the motorway with a next junction 6 miles stamp!!

More features on sat nav units, like rush camera warnings, and verbal warnings for urge limits, features for finding the cheapest fuel, and the most economical route, are now all demanding processing power.

Unfortunately even the dedicated sat nav units haven't kept up in the processing dept, not that they were ever there in the first position.

So what's the solution?

You probably maintain one, a pda or personal digital assistant, or a pocket PC

Pocket PC sat nav isn't widely ancient due to the need for some loading of software and and a spattering of computer knowledge, nothing that involves needing the intellect of Einstein.

rush is the main advantage of pocket pc sat nav. Software is widely available that supports traffic information, race camera's poi's in fact everything a dedicated unit will do only a lot better.

Manufacturers are now striving to produce their units ever more portable allowing it to be outmoded while navigating on foot, using say Garmins city navigator, or the other ruin of the stick, taking it with you so it doesn't raze up being sold down the pub for a tenner.

Having pocket PC sat nav, gives you, portability, processing race, up to 624mhz far faster than any dedicated unit, and if you are into venturing into the substantial outdoors, impartial load up a burly ordnance inspect mapping program for what ever position you need, and revel in lightning route calculations, intention redraws and distinguished better sat nav experience.

Pda's aren't waterproof so for employ in your hillwalking ventures fair plunge it into a fully waterproof pack designed for the purpose and it will cease genuine and dry.

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