September 12, 2010

How to Connect a GPS Unit to Your LCD TV

I read a few weeks ago the tale of a guy who connected his GPS unit to one of those
7" retractable portable LCD TV units one often finds in cars these days. These TV models are also extinct to play dvds on the go.

I wasn't clear how the guy went about doing this, and wasn't even clear if it was technically possible to connect a GPS unit to a portable TV so that one could gape the digital blueprint and hear the directions directly from the TV speakers.

If this is possible, I imagine, connection would occupy location via bluetooth (given that most models these days are bluetooth-enabled) .

So I state out to investigate the matter. What I found is quite piquant.

For one, most GPS units were not designed with this feature: they don't have video output jacks and cannot broadcast via bluetooth the positioning data.

However there are a few advanced GPS machines available now and one of the pioneers as far as connecting GPS units to Tv displays, NavGeo, came up some time ago with its NavGeo Limousine.

It is a quite top of the game gadget that offers the possibility to connect to a LCD tv reveal. It is sold in a box containing a Nav N Go Limousine Navigator unit, a 2 GB SD memory card loaded with a navigation software and digital maps, an external GPS-receiver, a remote control (yes!), cables and accessories for the installation speaker, an external IR sensor as well as a guide.

If you ask for my thought on the possibility of connecting a GPS unit to a TV indicate, I remain a tad sceptical. For one the indicate quality and type are different and the result may not be as delicate as you may thing. The second scrape is that even if you could connect your garmin to an LCD TV player, operating it would be a bit tricky: your portable GPS has a touch mask, your TV doesn't. And if you belief using the tv for directions while keeping the GPS unit in the glove box, chances are that it will lose the positioning signal in there!

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