August 09, 2010

Windows 7 cheap India phone.

Windows 7 phone tech last circuit obsession and yourself t he come as a surprise when Microsoft announced the economic version of his opus magnum in markets such as India next year.

Windows 7 operating system to call for mobile phones, Microsoft is ready to hit the December world market.It goes without saying that the cheapest option will be sporting a variety of chassis with the phone home, at the end of the year.

Windows 7 original phone includes a camera 5 megapixels, touch screen, Wi - Fi, Bluetooth, 128 MB RAM (minimum) and huge features sports versions cheaper. may also reduce the screen and a low price to accommodate new markets in countries like India.

Referring to the chassis in the original release of Windows 7, the phone will be flaunt three buttons that can be enumerated for Windows and are used as key start who see us in MS windows desktop computer.Currently, Microsoft is in discussions with manufacturers such as LG, Samsung, HTC phones to create or work on the chassis replacement for the cheaper models.

Clearly, the models of phones Windows 7 will be common mark of Microsoft and subsequent phone manufacturer.Microsoft is hard at work by telephone 7 series Windows and will examine the creation of a revolution like circuit technology.

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