August 09, 2010

Unlock and jailbreak, Windows 7

Windows 7 phone can be powered by Windows CE, the operating system kernel, but cannot support such as .NET and XNA Silverlight applications. Jailbreak is the only way!

This means that the native version is more supported and it is absolutely lateral loading is not allowed. We ' re you noticed as the graphic hardware accelerated 3D isn't t for programmers.In addition, most applications can be implemented only through boutique s app from Microsoft are not really happy thinking! disappointment?

For example, you can jailbreak your way of dealing with these technical problems.then, what happens if you can't jailbreak phone Windows 7 now, taking into account that this is all set them affected the market only in November of this year, we ' VE recently published? just jailbreak for disk hard Zune complete with the Microsoft SDK!

Open Game ZDK, hands will help you with your Zune Zune HD to launch these applications.applications can be run directly on the Zune HD OS and then give you the necessary freedom in XNA.Therefore, this means that you can run Internet applications, games, 3D, emulation console and much, much more!

Applications of lateral load without the support of the Bank, Microsoft, write custom c applications

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