August 11, 2010

Skepticism connections mobile platform at Microsoft

By Jim Karpen before 13 July 2010.

I really hate to make mounting skepticism about whether Windows 7 phone has a chance, because in each case can become self-fulfilling. On the other hand you as consumers need to make a choice, so it's important to be open to questions. And these issues are: developers will be willing to build applications?Handset manufacturers will be whether Microsoft will support? and commitment to the mobile platform?

Prospects for developers are jumping on board phone Windows 7

To its credit, Microsoft had the guts to make a clean break from the Windows Mobile platform that do not fit new conventions is easy to use, easy to use touchscreen smartphones.

But to make a clean break means that your old software will not work on Windows 7 phone and developers completely rewrite their applications to the new platform.Whether they wish to do so the big question, bearing in mind that surging platform Android and iPhone.

Even if some developers are coming on board, Windows 7 phone will never attract enough to have the app store, which will compete with Apple in 250000 apps App Store, or 60 000 for Android?

Ashlee Vance, writing in the New York Times, it is questionable whether she said that culture, technology and the developer support Microsoft simply not relevant to the young developers in stores when you start Microsoft create gifts they more you adapted to open platforms such as Android environment. She quotes Publisher Tim O' Reilly said,

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